Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The Places I Would Most Like to Live

I have to admit, I've never been one of those people who think where I live is the best place in the world. True, North Carolina is a beautiful state. But the weather is crazy and sometimes it's so hot that I just can't stand it. And when it rains, it freezes me to death even though I prefer the rain over the sun.

So I started thinking--mostly when I was scouting out locations online for similarities for my next book--what other places would I love to live? Where else in the world would I be willing to settle down and start a new life?

Here are my top ten places to live other than where I live right now...

1. Anywhere in England
2. Paris
3. Rome
4. New Zealand
5. New York City
6. Hawaii
7. Los Angeles
8. San Fransico
9. Boston
10. Seattle

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Edited by - Stephanie King